Don't worry, I am NOT quitting this blog. I intend to keep it for a while. I will simply be changing the theme and purpose of this blog:

Starting Wednesday, Forever Eternal is becoming a blog just for music, music videos, and lyrics. Meaning no news about some singer's new movie or pictures of a band hanging out at a movie theatre. I'm posting about things that most people actually care about: the music!

To commemorate this change, we are also changing our layout! Do you like it?

I will do my best to post stuff every day, but I can't make any promises. I am, after all, just one person. (and a friend who still hasn't posted anything...) The things I post may be old things that I think people will like to listen to, or the may be totally new stuff that just came out that day!

So, you have until Wednesday to look at all the news articles you want, but when Wednesday comes around, we will be starting fresh!

I would love your feedback on this change,
